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Spring 2022 Outstanding Student: Raminder Kaur

Raminder was born on May 27, 2000, in Castro Valley, California. Growing up, Raminder hated going to school because she would miss her mom. She decided to take school seriously starting in third grade and gave it her best. By the age of sixteen, she became a type 1 diabetic and later acquired the onset of other autoimmune diseases. Nevertheless, Raminder decided to follow in her older sister’s footsteps and attend UC Merced. Although her emphasis is Human Biology, Raminder became interested in microbes and pathogens from a microbiology lab led by Dr. Clarissa J. Nobile, her greatest mentor of all time, that studies biofilm formation in Candida albicans. This research and classes like biochemistry, immunology, virology, and microbiology have inspired her to conduct research on microbial pathogens at the molecular level. She plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Microbiology from an out-of-state research-driven University. Raminder wants to travel the length of her journey with higher education as she feels it is an antidote to her hardships and will help her to maintain values of strength, compassion, and tolerance as she will surround herself with driven researchers and mentors and hopefully even young emerging scholars. She hopes to eventually develop a career in academia and become a professor. Raminder’s parents have raised her to become resilient and hopeful amid all kinds of adversities. Raminder also has a younger brother who she shares tough love with yet truly strives to be a good role model for. She is looking forward for what’s ahead and is deeply grateful to all those who have helped her.