Professor Ghosh's research interests span traditional topics in condensed matter physics such as correlated magnetic phases and coupled quantum systems, as well as emerging multi-disciplinary themes such as hybrid solar cells and plasmonics-based opto-electronic devices. Her group focuses on the physics of new materials and using ultra-fast time resolved spectroscopy, develops techniques and protocols to manipulate their properties for applications in energy storage and information processing devices.
The current research topics in her group include:
- Cooperative energy transfer dynamics in self-assembled nanostructured materials
- Directed assembly of metallic, magnetic and semiconducting nanostructures using liquid crystal based electro-optically active matrices
- Hybrid photovoltaic devices including solar cells and luminescent solar concentrators
- Exotic magnetic phases originating from geometric frustration in doped and undoped systems
In addition, Professor Ghosh is also the founding faculty and advisor of UC Merced Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE@UCM).