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May 13, 2016
Stephanie Ruiz and Carisza Lenaburg will be among the many UC Merced students earning bachelor’s degrees at this weekend’s commencement ceremonies. Unlike their fellow graduates, however, Ruiz and Lenaburg will also be graduating with single-subject teaching credentials from UC Berkeley...
May 11, 2016
A doctoral degree is something to be proud of. It is the culmination of years of study and hard work — a mark of determination, willpower and excellence in research and scholarship. For Quantitative and Systems Biology graduate student Yuriana Aguilar and the growing population of...
May 9, 2016
“Ambitious” isn’t a good enough word for Laura Showalter. “High-achiever” doesn’t exactly do her justice, either. Her motto seems to be “why achieve when you can overachieve?” Now 20, the Merced native completed third and fourth grades...
May 2, 2016
A proposal to conduct high-performance computing across science and engineering disciplines has won UC Merced and Professor Christine Isborn a research computing cluster that will be used for a variety of projects across campus. Each year, Silicon Mechanics, a Washington-based provider of...
April 28, 2016
A new study from UC Merced Professor Jennifer O. Manilay promises to shed new light on how bone diseases can affect the maintenance of healthy blood and immune cell development throughout life.   Funded by a $434,000 grant over three years from the National Institutes of Health —...
April 27, 2016
Before you place any bets on the next NBA playoff games, take a look at UC Merced Professor Harish Bhat’s Twitter account.   He’s tweeting daily predictions based on an innovative new algorithm, and so far this postseason, he’s right about 80 percent of the time.  ...
April 26, 2016
Researchers at the University of California, Merced, won a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study how biological matter like proteins or cells come together to perform specific tasks, effectively behaving as machines. The research — funded over five years...
April 11, 2016
Professor Michael Beman, with the School of Natural Sciences, became the 13th faculty member to win a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award since the campus opened.   The grant provides nearly $700,000 over the next five years to help the UC Merced...
April 4, 2016
If you want to understand how plant populations will respond as the climate changes, just examine the plants in different locations.   That’s one of the conclusions drawn by UC Merced School of Natural Sciences Professor Jason Sexton in a new paper that’s part of a special issue...
March 30, 2016
Professor Carolin Frank’s research into the nitrogen-fixing properties of bacteria inside the needles of some high-elevation pine trees is the topic of a new paper in the journal New Phytologist.   Frank, with the School of Natural Sciences, won a $1.6 million, four-year grant from the...
